Welcome to the Action Jackson TAG Scholars #TAG Website!!!
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Action Jackson TAG Scholars Home
Screening & Referral Process, REMIND, Supply List
TAG Night
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Action Jackson TAG Highlights
TAG Curriculum Units - Action Jackson TAG Scholars Over the Years!
TAG Highlights
Survival All-Stars TAG Unit continued.
Survival All-Stars TAG Unit continued.
Survival All-Stars continued.
Money Matters TAG Unit
What's the Matter in the Kitchen? TAG Unit
What's the Matter in the Kitchen? continued.
What's the Matter in the Kitchen? continued.
TAG Highlights
Ocean Discoveries
Ocean Discoveries
Where's the Dodo Bird?
Camp Interdependence
Freedom Express...Where Trailblazers Have A Voice!
Native Americans
America the Beautiful
TAG Highlights
Our National Treasures
Energy: Is there a Crisis?
Exploring Georgia's Golden Coast
Georgia's Golden Coast
Pioneers TAG Unit
TAG Field Trips
5th Grade Tybee Island
4th Grade Rock Eagle
Georgia Aquarium
Hello Action Jackson TAG Scholar Parents!!!
The Tybee Island Field Trip is an awesome experience for scholars to attend, explore, and enjoy.
Please contact your TAG Teacher today for more information.
Tybee Pics & More
Exploring Georgia's Golden Coast Pics